Col. (Ret.) L. Bryan Shelburne Jr.

Leader and Commander of the U.S. Army Band, BM 1965

Lesley Bryan Shelburne Jr. was born January 25, 1941, in Abilene, Texas, to Lesley B. and Betty (Routh) Shelburne Sr. 1959年,他从哈姆林高中毕业,进入中文博彩平台.

在HSU读书时,他同时做着五份不同的工作,还在上学. 他申请并获得了音乐奖学金,并被安排在爵士乐组合中, where he was a leading trombonist. He was a member of Phi Mu Alpha and Sigma Delta Sigma, and was director of the Phi Mu Alpha stage band. Shelburne played in the Cowboy Band, 1963年至1964年担任乐队副主席,1964年至1965年担任乐队主席.

在1965年5月的毕业典礼上,他通过HSU ROTC计划被任命为少尉,并获得音乐教育学士学位.

In 1962, he married the former Sereta Kiser, 两人都是HSU的学生,并在音乐会乐队一起演奏时相识. She graduated in 1963. They are the parents of two children, Kerri and Darren.

After graduating from HSU, 谢尔本被准予军事延期研究生学习,并于1967年在亚利桑那州立大学完成了音乐硕士学位. 在HSU期间,他还完成了德州全水平教学证书的要求, 在休斯敦教初级器乐和高中乐队, Texas.

他跟随爱丽丝·帕克学习合唱作曲和编曲, the famed musical collaborator with Robert Shaw, and instrumental composition with the late Ron LoPresti. He also studied with Dr. Grant Fletcher, and briefly, with Dr. Andy Patterson. 他曾在普林斯顿的威斯敏斯特合唱团学院学习合唱指挥, New Jersey, and wind band history and literature with Dr. 华盛顿特区美国天主教大学的Robert Garofalo说.C.

From 1968 to 1970, Shelburne was stationed at the Naval Amphibious Base, Little Creek, Norfolk, Virginia, in the U. S. Army Element, Armed Forces School of Music. While there, he was assistant commandant and executive officer, 管理70名员工,并在特殊活动中指挥学生音乐会乐队.

From 1970 to 1973, 谢尔本是休斯敦阿尔丁高中的乐队总监和音乐协调员, Texas. From 1973 to 1990, Shelburne conducted Army Bands in Norfolk, Virginia: Heidelberg, Germany; Fort Meyer, Virginia; and the U. S. Military Academy Band at West Point.

In 1990, 在他30年军旅生涯的最后10年,他是华盛顿美国军乐队的第六任团长和指挥官, D. C. 这支乐队被称为“潘兴自己人”,由陆军将军约翰·J·琼斯(John J. 潘兴,陆军参谋长,模仿他在第一次世界大战期间听到的欧洲军乐队. 它是美国陆军的首要音乐组织.

他的指挥经验还包括在亚利桑那州立大学担任铜管乐队的教学研究员, church choirs in three states, 以及欧洲和美国的专业军风和声乐团体.

他的表演经历包括在阿比林爱乐乐团担任低音长号和首席长号六季, 在完成亚利桑那州立大学音乐硕士学位的同时,他还在凤凰交响乐团担任了一季的辅助铜管乐手. He organized and ran The Valley Brass Quintet, drawn from the Phoenix Symphony musicians, during the 1966-1967academic year in the Phoenix valley, 作为联邦资助的将艺术带到学校的项目的一部分,他在亚利桑那州各地表演.

1976年,他被选为美国武装部队二百周年乐队和合唱团的副主任和副指挥官, 哪个是为了帮助国家庆祝两百周年而组织的.

1989年,他被选为美国乐队大师协会的成员,并在John Philip Sousa基金会的董事会任职10年. He is a member of the National Band Association, the Music Educators National Conference, 也是美国大学乐队指挥协会的终身会员.

退休后,他被Phi Mu Alpha sinonia授予终身成就奖, and by the band fraternities, Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma, with honorary lifetime memberships. In 1999 he was inducted into Phi Beta Mu, the honorary school band fraternity, as an honorary lifetime member. 1999年,他还被授予德克萨斯州乐队大师协会的终身荣誉会员, and was only the fifth person to be so named at that time.

1990年,他被中文博彩平台评为杰出校友, 并于1993年任命他为特聘客座讲师.

As a retirement career, Shelburne has developed Global Educational Tours, guiding students on tours around the world. 他本周和一群学生在中国,这就是他今天不能来的原因.

谢尔本夫妇的两个孩子给他们生了五个孙子. Bryan and Sareta live in Macon, Georgia, 住在他们女儿附近,明年将庆祝他们结婚50周年纪念日.

这是中文博彩平台的最高荣誉,以表彰她自己的一个,并正式任命莱斯利·布莱恩·谢尔本. into the HSU Hall of Leaders.